Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Whew! It's Done

Today is W-Day. It's the day when our hand coded web sites must be turned in. I turned mine in this past weekend, however. (Okay, I'm somewhat of an over-achiever as I like to get things in early. What can I say, it's one of my quirks. I start to panic if I think I'm going to be late.)

All in all it was a great experience and a very useful skill to have in today's world. That's one of the things I appreciate most about UA's DE MLIS program: the ability to become familiar with today's technology.

My fellow classmates are the other thing I really appreciate about the program. Invariably, if you have a problem, there is someone there to help you, to lend a hand, to make an important suggestion. We are all supportive of each other. And that's another vital talent needed for today and the future, the ability to work as a member of a team -- something we are getting quite a bit of training in this semester, in both the Information Technology and Reference Services class.

Now, to be sure, working in a group can be a frustrating experience. If only everyone would simply listen to me, it would all go much smoother. Being able to tamp down my sometimes overbearing self is something that doesn't come easily to me but something I hope to be able to better achieve by the time May rolls around.

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